Sunday 20 September 2009

Israel Matzav: A smoking gun on Iranian terror in Argentina

A smoking gun on Iranian terror in Argentina

This is a description of a book called To Kill Without a Trace. The book (pictured) has been published in Spanish and shows how Iran was behind the suicide bombing at the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Argentina in 1994.
On July 18, 1994, the worst anti-Jewish attack in the post world war era occurred: the site of the center of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires was obliterated, leaving 85 dead and hundreds injured.

A short time later, a web was spun to provide cover for those responsible for the attack, which included red herrings, blackmailing, bribery, intimidation of witnesses and diverse methods of obstructing the investigation.

This cover-up network was instigated by government functionaries, intelligence agents, judges and leaders of the Jewish community. It would have succeeded had it not been for the herculean work of Alberto Nisman, who in 1997 was nominated to be a State Prosecutor of the AMIA case with the intention of rubber stamping this network of falsifications.

At the heart of this novel is the gradual unraveling of this web of lies.
Read the whole thing.

I find it especially curious to hear that the Jewish community was involved in the coverup, and look forward to the book being published in English

Israel Matzav: A smoking gun on Iranian terror in Argentina

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