Friday 11 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama to hug Gadhaffi at the UN?

Obama to hug Gadhaffi at the UN?

This is from Anne Bayefsky's preview of next week's United Nations General Assembly meeting.

Meanwhile, the Qaddafi problem is getting more “sensitive,” as Ambassador Rice has so delicately put it. Obama’s idea for a summit meeting, which seemed like a harmless international diversionary tactic in the midst of a domestic mess, has the potential to become an image maker’s worst nightmare. Libya is a member of the Security Council, and Qaddafi is looking for a hug (literally). So now Obama’s people are worrying about how to avoid him, or at least how to keep the cameras away when Obama embraces a man whom Americans understand to be a human-rights low-life extraordinaire. The irony is that it was Obama himself who issued Qaddafi the invitation to the council summit.

The president may also run into the colonel at the General Assembly podium the day before. On September 23 Obama will assume the dais and wax eloquent about the glories of the United Nations. The fantasy won’t last long, though. Libya is the president of this year’s General Assembly, resulting in a speaker order that makes Obama into Qaddafi’s warm-up act.

Heh. This sounds like a better photo-op than Obama bowing to Saudi King Abdullah.

Meanwhile, Israel Radio reported on Thursday morning that Prime Minister Netanyahu is hanging around long enough to attend President Obama's party (probably the same one to which Ahmadinejad will probably not be invited) and then is coming home. It seems that Netanyahu has been seated two seats away from Ahmadinejad and does not want any part of it.

Someone please remind me who the leader of the free world is....

Israel Matzav: Obama to hug Gadhaffi at the UN?

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