Thursday 10 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Jewish liberalism and American exceptionalism

Jewish liberalism and American exceptionalism

A couple of readers sent me Norman Podhoretz's Wall Street Journal article on why Jews are liberals and asked me to comment on it. In the article, Podhoretz writes of his hopes that 'buyer's remorse' will lead some of the 78% of American Jews who voted for Barack Hussein Obama to become conservatives. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that he hopes in vain.

Much of the article is taken up by Podhoretz's description of Liberalism as Judaism. That's an issue I have discussed many times, and he does a nice job of summarizing it. He makes one small mistake about Jewish law. There are three sins that a Jew must allow himself to be killed rather than commit: Idol worship, forbidden sexual relations (not just incest) and murder.

But I'd like to discuss something toward at the end of the article.
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Jewish liberalism and American exceptionalism

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