Saturday 12 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Iran's 'proposal' published; could have been written by Obama

Iran's 'proposal' published; could have been written by Obama

Iran's 'nuclear program proposal' has been published online. The original document may be found here. The buzzwords are peace, cooperation, respect, equality among nations, dignity and no more use of force. It says that some parts of the world need 'special priority' and of course the first part of the world that the document names is 'Palestine,' which needs a "comprehensive, democratic and equitable plan in order to help the people of Palestine to achieve all-embracing peace." Notice no mention of Israel there.

The proposal lists seven 'international issues,' the first two of which are 'reforming' the United Nations and the Security Council (presumably so that the United States no longer gets a veto in return for paying 22% of the UN's budget every year) and global warming. I wonder if Ahmadinejad has ever considered what detonating a nuclear weapons will do to the environment.

The fifth issues calls for a "rule-based and equitable oversight" of the IAEA and the sixth calls for the universal application of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. I assume that the intention here is to bring about the disarmament of the United States and Israel.

There are also five economic issues.

What's missing is that there is no mention of Iran's own nuclear program, and of course, no mention of Israel.

ProPublica, which obtained a copy of the proposal and placed it online Thursday night, suggests that the Obama administration may agree to talk to Iran on this basis:
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Israel Matzav: Iran's 'proposal' published; could have been written by Obama

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