Thursday 17 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Incredibly naive?

Incredibly naive?

If Richard Goldstone's daughter is correct about what he believed the results of his report would be, he is incredibly naive for a man with his accomplishments.

Speaking from Toronto, where she now lives, Nicole told Army Radio she had many conversations with her father when he was asked to head the UN inquiry into the Gaza conflict.

"I know better than anyone else that he thought however hard it was to accept it, he was doing the best thing for everyone, including Israel," she said. "He is honest, tells things how he sees them and wants to uncover the truth."

Nicole, who said she had read the first 300 and last 10 pages of the report, conceded that it contained some "very harsh" allegations against Israel.


"I know that if he thought what he did would not somehow be for the sake of peace for everyone in Israel or that it would have hindered such efforts, he would not have accepted the job," she said.

Nicole insisted that the fact the report also accused the Palestinians of crimes against humanity showed that her father tried to be balanced.

"I am not angry with him, I love him and respect him," she concluded. "He is a Zionist. My dad loves Israel and it wasn't easy for him to see and hear what happened. I think he heard and saw things he didn't expect to see and hear, and I am one-hundred-percent sure he did it [conducted the investigation] in the hope that the Israelis would come to cooperate, and he wanted to help find a long-term solution for the state of Israel."

Nicole, who lived in Israel for six months, said that the country "is the most important thing in my life, my heart is there…I love Israel more than my family and friends and anything else."

Good grief! How could anyone have believed this? (Actually, my guess is that if - God forbid - Ehud Olmert were still Prime Minister, our government probably would have cooperated, but that would only have made matters worse).

Israel Matzav: Incredibly naive?

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