Tuesday 8 September 2009

Israel Matzav: IDF warned of rockets on Ashkelon in 1993

IDF warned of rockets on Ashkelon in 1993

To anyone who lived in Israel in the mid-90's and understood the extent to which the Rabin- Peres government repressed the opponents of the so-called 'Oslo accords,' this will not be surprising. Some of Oslo's proponents may try to dismiss the import of this post because Yaakov Amidror - the source - is a known critic of Oslo who was forced out by the Left. Still, it bears posting. It's the smoking gun that shows that the Rabin - Peres government was warned. It's the best proof for the idea that there ought to be an investigation into how and why this country resurrected a dying PLO in the first place.

A secret Military Intelligence Directorate report dating back to 1993 warned of the dangers of rockets raining down on Ashkelon in the event that the Palestinians fail to uphold their end of the Oslo Peace Treaty, a former army intelligence chief revealed on Monday.

Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, who once headed the IDF's Research and Assessment Division, said during a lecture at the Netanya Academic College that the government had completely ignored the military's warning on the security pitfalls of the peace deal with the PLO.

"There were clauses which clearly could not be upheld from a military perspective, like pursuing terrorists in Palestinian Authority territories," Amidror said.

He added that Shimon Peres, who was then foreign minister, called for military officers to leave a meeting room when a vote was taken on the peace agreement.

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Israel Matzav: IDF warned of rockets on Ashkelon in 1993

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