Tuesday 8 September 2009

Israel Matzav: IDF preparing for US missile systems in Israel

IDF preparing for US missile systems in Israel

Two weeks ago, I reported that the United States was considering deploying anti-missile systems to combat Iran in Israel, Turkey and the Balkans in light of Soviet objections to their deployment in Poland and the Czech Republic. Next month, the Israeli Air Force's Air Defense Division will hold a joint drill, called Juniper Cobra, with the US Military's European Command (EUCOM) and the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The drill is being described as the largest joint exercise ever held by the US and Israel. During the course of the drill, the US and Israel will jointly test three different ballistic missile defense systems.

Given that the US already has deployed X-Band radar in Israel's Negev desert - a departure gift from former US President George W. Bush - Israel is hoping that once the drill is over, the United States will decide to leave the missile defense systems here.
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Israel Matzav: IDF preparing for US missile systems in Israel

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