Wednesday 9 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Human Rights Watch's can of worms

Human Rights Watch's can of worms

In Wednesday morning's Maariv, Ben Dror Yemini, who, as you may recall, broke the Joe Stork story, attacks the 'can of worms' (link in Hebrew) that Tuesday's Marc Garlasco stories exposed about Human Rights Watch. The original Google translation is here - because I translate professionally, I have done a little editing to clean it up.

Human Rights Watch's can of worms discovered

The most important international protector of human rights is being revealed as a dangerous body. The organization is hiding militarists on the right alongside radicals on the left.

If it were one case, one could argue it was a coincidence. Even two are not proof. But the more about that is disclosed about Human Rights Watch (HRW), the most important international body to protect human rights, the more that it seems that something really stinks there. No, that's not a delicate word, and certainly not diplomatic one. But it is doubtful that there is a better word to describe the can of worms that is gradually being dug up there.

The head of the Middle East and Africa Division - the division responsible for all of the impressive publications against Israel - is Sarah Leah Whitson, who served on the Advisory Board to the Arab American Committee before she came to HRW, and is also a supporter of the [Arab] boycott against Israel. Her assistant is Joe Stork, who was exposed in Maariv as a radical anti-Zionist activist, who opposed any recognition of Israel, and who was a member of an advocacy group that published a notice of support, or at least understanding, for the massacre of [Israeli] athletes in Munich [the 1972 massacre at the Munich Olympics. CiJ].

The NGO MONITOR organization, headed by Professor Gerald Steinberg, has just published a detailed report on HRW that also exposes the systematic bias, the deception, and other figures in the organization, like Lucy Meyer, Reed Brody, Darryl Lee and Nadia Barhoum, whose common feature is radical anti-Israel activism.

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Israel Matzav: Human Rights Watch's can of worms

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