Thursday 3 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Honor among thieves: Obama treats Ahmadinejad in spirit of 'mutual respect'

Honor among thieves: Obama treats Ahmadinejad in spirit of 'mutual respect'

On Tuesday, I reported that Iran had prepared a new proposal regarding its nuclear weapons program, in a bid to head off new sanctions from the United States and its European allies. On Wednesday, the Washington Times reports that US and European diplomats say that they have seen 'no such proposal.' But in what can only be described as honor among thieves (Obama also stole an election by collecting millions in campaign contributions in violation of US federal election laws), the Obama administration says that it will treat any proposal received from the even less legitimate Ahmadinejad in a spirit of 'mutual respect.'
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Israel Matzav: Honor among thieves: Obama treats Ahmadinejad in spirit of 'mutual respect'

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