Tuesday 22 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Helmsley Hotel cancels banquet because Ahmadinejad on guest list

Helmsley Hotel cancels banquet because Ahmadinejad on guest list

The Helmsley Hotel in New York City has canceled a banquet that was to be held there this week after learning that one of the guests was to be Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"As soon as Helmsley corporate management learned of the possibility of either the Iranian mission or President Ahmadinejad holding a function at the New York Helmsley Hotel, they immediately ordered the cancellation of that function," hotel spokesman Howard Rubenstein said in a statement.

"Neither the Iranian mission nor President Ahmadinejad is welcome at any Helmsley facility," the statement said without saying why.

A group called United Against Nuclear Iran told the hotel that Ahmadinejad was on the guest list, he said.

The New York Post reported the banquet was booked months ago by an Iranian student group.

Ahmadinejad on Friday called the Holocaust "a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim" in comments to worshipers at Tehran University.

Maybe Columbia will agree to host him again. After all, it worked out so well the last time.

Israel Matzav: Helmsley Hotel cancels banquet because Ahmadinejad on guest list

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