Friday 4 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Good news: 'Palestinians' improving at forging Israeli identity cards

Good news: 'Palestinians' improving at forging Israeli identity cards

One of things that takes some getting used to when you move to Israel is that you are constantly being asked to show your teudat zehut (identification card). The card looks like this:

All Israelis are required to have the card on them at all time once they reach the age of 18; most of the kids get them at around age 16 because they need them to take matriculation exams.

Police use the identification cards as a quick and easy way to verify that the person standing in front of them is an Israeli citizen (and not a 'Palestinian') and therefore there is a good chance that they are safe, and in most cases only a slight chance that they are planning to blow themselves up.

Unfortunately, the 'Palestinians' have apparently mastered the art of forging the identification cards.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Good news: 'Palestinians' improving at forging Israeli identity cards

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