Sunday 13 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Don't kid yourselves, the Jihad continues

Don't kid yourselves, the Jihad continues

I was recently shown this comment by Charles Johnson from the Little Green Footballs web site (reproduced in full):
144 Charles9/09/2009 1:09:53 pm PDT

re: #118 Daria Emmons

If I were to say anything, it would be that I think LGF has not been following global jihad as it used to, and I think that is a flaw, because global jihad has NOT slowed or stopped.

Actually, it has slowed. When was the last suicide bombing inside Israel? When was the last major Al Qaeda attack in a Western country? Where are the jihadis launching suicide attacks inside America?

If I've distanced myself somewhat from covering the jihad, it's for two reasons:

1) It really has become less of an issue. There are still Islamic extremists out there, and I'm sure they intend to do us harm, but they seem to be pretty well contained at the moment.

2) A huge number of the so-called "jihad outrages" being promoted these days are outright phony stories promoted by bigots. I simply don't trust very much of the information coming from the so-called "anti-jihad" blogs, because they engage in lying and fear mongering.

Although I disagree with the comment completely, I'm not going to go into the rest of his comment, but I do want to speak to the point about "When was the last suicide bombing inside Israel?" The real question that ought to be asked is "when was the last successful suicide bombing inside Israel?" The fact that the answer is 'not recently' has nothing to do with a lack of effort on the jihadis' part.

If any of you really believes that the 'Palestinian' terrorists are not still trying to commit suicide bombings in Israel on a daily basis, I suggest that you start following the IDF spokesperson on Twitter. You will get a report nearly every day that says how many terrorists were arrested in Judea and Samaria during the overnight period.

It's not that the jihad is over - it's that the IDF has managed with the help of the 'security fence' (and God) to gain control over the situation. But the IDF is spending as much time as ever fighting terrorism. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves. The last thing we can do now is let down our guard. Terrorism is no less of an issue than ever.

Israel Matzav: Don't kid yourselves, the Jihad continues

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