Thursday 24 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Disturbing trends in immigration to the US

Disturbing trends in immigration to the US

Those of you who live in the US ought to get on the horn and try to do something about this before you end up like Eurabia. Debbie Schlussel reports that although immigration to the US was down in 2008, immigration from terror sponsors like Iran and Syria rose - in Syria's case quite significantly.

A Wall Street Journal graph (above), at least, shows that the number of Iranian-born immigrants is up by 18, 730 from 2007, for a total of 344,935 (though the WSJ article on this story doesn’t cover Mid-East immigration and sticks to the “immigration is down” narrative). While some of the nearly 19,000 new U.S. residents from Iran came here to get away from Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs, some did not. And we have no way of knowing which are which. If even only a fraction of that number are anti-American and inclined to do Iran’s bidding here, that’s far too many.

Then, there are the figures from Syria. The Census figures show that the number of Syrian-born residents in the U.S. increased by 11,349 persons to 66,077 Syrians here in 2008. That’s an alarming increase, given that most Syrians here (in recent years) are Shi’ite Muslims who support the (Alawite) Assad government and its hand in Hezbollah. (Most Syrian Christians who were going to leave left there long ago.)

From Lebanon, the increase is only 3,550, according to the Census. But that’s an estimate. And based on the number of Lebanese immigrants–both legal and illegal–here in Detroit, I’d say it’s far larger. And, still, most of those are Shi’ite Muslims who support Hezbollah. We really do not need even one more Hezbollah enabler on American soil, let alone the majority of 3,550 of them.

And none of this takes into account immigrants from the Gulf States–Al-Qaeda hotbeds of extremism–Saudi Arabia and Yemen, not to mention United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, which don’t have their own category in the Census survey.


Still, it’s annoying–no, it’s maddening. Since 9/11, as I’ve noted over and over again, we’ve done everything to make it hard for Hispanic illegal aliens, but little to discourage Islamic ones–you know the Muslim Arabs with the same theology and heritage as the 19 hijackers. That’s why it’s so disturbing–but not at all surprising–that we see this increase in population, despite the bad economy, from our friends in the “Religion of Peace.” For them, a bad economy doesn’t hinder their non-stop milking of the system, bailouts, and entitlements, a la Najibullah Zazi and Ali Nemr and Rania Rahal. And it certainly doesn’t discourage their plans to Islamicize America.

They murdered nearly 3,000 Americans, and yet we keep welcoming them to our shores.

I'm afraid it's going to take a new administration in the US for any of this to change.

Read the whole thing.

Israel Matzav: Disturbing trends in immigration to the US

1 comment:

  1. There should be emphasis on E-Verify being adopted by every business in America, mandatory or not? Now that it’s locked into the US workers psyche, it should be evident to the pro-illegal immigrant groups that--THE PEOPLE--are not letting go of this computer illegal immigrant enforcement application without a fight. It has been ridiculed and ostracized by the US Chamber of Commerce and subjected to federal lawsuits by the anti-sovereignty groups as the ACLU. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but when the Council of Foreign Relation intolerable globalist and internationalists get involved with America’s immigration face-off, you really wonder what their true agenda is? GOOGLE-- across the Internet and understand their plan for the free flow of low income labor in every available industry including Agricultural jobs.

    This quasi agency was the machine involved with the inception of NAFTA. Coincidentally, I recall that President Obama and his administration addressed the general public that he would renegotiate the treaties of NAFTA and CAFTA? So far this has not materialized, nor has his promise to implement an open transparent government? He is following the same illusory lines as the Bush presidency, other than National security--remaining secretive?

    E-Verify is a very powerful immigration tool that is a composite of the SAVE ACT. Around the country it's building in momentum as more and more companies are intending to use it? It could additionally have multiple future uses, including detecting illegal aliens applying for driver’s licenses. It could also be adapted to apprehend any foreign nationals who apply in any health care reform or any other government benefit. By overturning the 1986 Immigration legislation and enacting a new AMNESTY the American population lose culturally and financially. Another possibility is checking the status of individuals admitted to higher education or schools. Its availability is a free service on the web, by accessing both Homeland Security and the Social Security databases. On an ongoing basis it is seemingly the principle tool to detour anybody who is stealing jobs from the legal population.

    It almost succumbed to Democratic leadership, because both Sen Reid and Pelosi had an ulterior motive to kill E-Verify and other immigration enforcement weapons. Having massive illegal immigrant occupation in both Nevada and California and an escalating need to financially support the millions already thriving in all Border States. YOU CAN HELP AMERICAN WORKERS IN THIS JOBLESS SETTINGS AND HALT ANY NEW AMNESTY BY CONTACTING YOUR POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121. NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & CAPSWEB have many of the true answers for you to decide.
