Friday 4 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Confirmed: Russia to supply MiG-31 fighters to Syria

Confirmed: Russia to supply MiG-31 fighters to Syria

This is bad news. In a deal that could alter the balance of power in our region, the Russian newspaper Kommersant is confirming that Russia has agreed to supply MiG-31 fighter jets to Syria. The Russians had previously denied there was an agreement. The jets have not yet been delivered, although MiG-29 jets are being delivered.

Kommersant cited the head of Russia's state-run United Aircraft Corporation, Alexei Fyodorov, as saying a 2007 contract to sell MiG-31E [pictured. CiJ] interceptor fighters to Syria has not entered into force.

The paper said Russian arms sales officials have denied such a contract exists.

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Israel Matzav: Confirmed: Russia to supply MiG-31 fighters to Syria

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