Thursday 10 September 2009

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Hariri resigns

Breaking: Hariri resigns

Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Sa'ad Hariri has resigned after failing to form a cabinet. The culprit in bringing about the resignation is apparently Hezbullah.

Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri said Thursday he is abandoning efforts to form a new government after the Hizbullah-led parliament minority rejected his list for a national unity cabinet.

Hariri's move takes Lebanon into more political uncertainty, with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman now forced to start consultations with lawmakers from scratch over naming a new premier.

Hariri's step-down comes two days after the militant Hizbullah and its allies rejected his proposed team for the 30-member cabinet.


Hariri said Thursday the conditions set by the Hizbullah-led bloc sought to undermine the entire election, which his Western-backed coalition had clearly won.

The only thing the rival factions agreed on during the negotiations over the cabinet makeup was a government formula. It gave Hariri's parliament majority 15 seats, the Hizbullah-led minority 10 seats, while Suleiman would pick the remaining five government members, likely from among independent politicians.

Continued instability in Lebanon only works to Hezbullah's - and Iran's and Syria's - advantage.

Given that Hariri's side won the elections, it is not clear to me why they are insisting on a national unity government. But it is likely an effort to forestall violent opposition by Hezbullah. In other words, Hezbullah continues to prevent Lebanon from functioning as a normal country by using violence and threats of violence.

And it is the Lebanese people who will likely pay the price for their inability to function normally.

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Hariri resigns

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