Saturday 8 August 2009

Jewish Defence League Parsha and Weekly Update

Jewish Defence League Parsha and Weekly Update

The Torah Parsha this week is "Eikev". " And it will be, 'because' you will heed these ordinances and keep them and perform, that the Lord, your God, will keep for you the covenant and the kindness that He swore to your forefathers."(Devorim 7:12) And Rashi gives the following explanation; " And it will be, because you will heed: Heb. עֵקֶב, lit. heel. If you will heed the minor commandments which one [usually] tramples with his heels [i.e., which a person treats as being of minor importance]."

The Jewish People in North America are divided. And this division is the result of alienation from our Torah. This alienation from the Torah manifests itself in a lack of support for Israel as a Jewish State.

Study: Fewer US Jews Say They're Observant

The number of American Jews who see themselves as religious dropped 20 percent in 20 years. 3.4 million U.S. Jews call themselves religious.
taken from B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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