Thursday 20 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Why Netanyahu can implement a de facto 'settlement freeze'

Why Netanyahu can implement a de facto 'settlement freeze'

At the left-leaning Washington Note, Steve Clemons points to a Twitter entry by Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Tuesday in which Ayalon says

Hopes the rumored settlement freeze is just a rumor, because it hasn't gone through appropriate forums.

Unfortunately, the only thing Ayalon and his party can do if it is not a rumor is to withdraw from the government in the hope of bringing it down. And if Ayalon's Yisrael Beiteinu were to withdraw from the government, you can bet that Kadima would go in, bringing a net gain of 13 Knesset
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Israel Matzav: Why Netanyahu can implement a de facto 'settlement freeze'

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