Friday 14 August 2009

Israel Matzav: What J Street has in common with pigs

What J Street has in common with pigs

J Street, which describes itself as being 'pro-Israel, pro-peace,' but advocates Israel's confinement in a best case scenario to what diplomat par excellence Abba Eban referred to as the 'Auschwitz borders,' enjoys key financial support from several Arabs and State Department personnel who have served in Arab countries. If they were really so pro-Israel, would these people be supporting them?

"It raises questions as to their banner that they're a pro-Israel organization. Why would people who are not known to be pro-Israel give money to this organization?" asked Lenny Ben-David, a former Israeli diplomat and staffer for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a major Washington lobby but not a PAC that makes contributions to candidates. "Once you introduce a large group and large amount of money from people who are suspect in their pro-Israel credentials, J Street loses some of its credibility in claiming it is pro-Israel and representing the Jewish community."

Ben-Ami described the organization as one that is "primarily but not exclusively Jewish" and said that as the numbers of Arabs and Muslims participating in J Street are low, he would like to welcome more non-Jews into the fold.

The funds that come from these sources indeed constitute a small fraction of the year-and-a-half-old organization's political fundraising, which totaled around $844,000 in 2008 - a key election year - and $111,000 so far in 2009. They comprise several dozen of the PAC's 4,000-5,000 donors.

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Israel Matzav: What J Street has in common with pigs

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