Friday 7 August 2009

Israel Matzav: The US embassy to 'Palestine'

The US embassy to 'Palestine'

In The Corner, Cliff May issues a mea culpa for creating the impression that the US Consulate in eastern Jerusalem was any different under previous administrations than it is today (it wasn't - I discussed that here and here). But May goes on to raise valid criticisms of the Consulate's mandate.

That this arrangement has enjoyed bipartisan support does not change the fact that it is odd, and deserving of scrutiny and debate. Consciously or not, it sends a message that the U.S. is not unsympathetic to those who wish Israel would disappear and/or to those who insist Jerusalem should become the capital of a future Palestinian state, one that would not permit Jews to be citizens or even residents — as is the case in many Arab and Muslim countries today.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: The US embassy to 'Palestine'

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