Saturday 1 August 2009

Israel Matzav: US Consulate in Jerusalem: All 'Palestinians,' all the time

US Consulate in Jerusalem: All 'Palestinians,' all the time

Paul Mirengoff points to the home page of the US Consulate in Jerusalem, where every item on the page relates to the 'Palestinians' and none relates to Jews or Israelis. Paul calls it a fair reflection of where the Obama administration's sympathies lie and how it sees the city.

While Paul's assessment is correct, the problems with the Jerusalem consulate long precede the Obama administration. The consulate, which is located a stone's throw away from the former Mandelbaum Gate, which was the crossing point between Jordan and Israel between 1948 and 1967 (about the only thing that crossed there was the convoy to Mount Scopus that went through once every two weeks during that period), has long seen itself as the US embassy to the 'Palestinians.' It was seen that way 30 years ago when I was a yeshiva student here.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: US Consulate in Jerusalem: All 'Palestinians,' all the time

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