Thursday 13 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'UN discriminates against Israel' says... Susan Rice?!?

'UN discriminates against Israel' says... Susan Rice?!?

I think we can bring out the flying pig for this one.

The United States' ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, criticized the UN General Assembly during a speech at NYU on Wednesday for discriminating against Israel.

Rice said the 192-nation United Nations needed reform, continued to single out Israel for criticism and let "political theater distract from real deliberation," but she also described it as an "imperfect yet indispensable institution."

"There is no substitute for the legitimacy the UN can impart or its potential to mobilize the widest possible coalitions," she said. "There is no better alternative to sharing the costs and burdens of UN peace operations and humanitarian missions around the world."

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Israel Matzav: 'UN discriminates against Israel' says... Susan Rice?!?

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