Monday 3 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Times of London: Iran ready to rock and roll, waiting for Khameni signal

Times of London: Iran ready to rock and roll, waiting for Khameni signal

The Times of London reports in Monday's edition (NOT under the byline of Uzi Mahnaimi) that Iran is ready to build a nuclear bomb and that all that is required is an order from Ayatollah Ali Khameni.

The sources said that Iran completed a research programme to create weaponised uranium in the summer of 2003 and that it could feasibly make a bomb within a year of an order from its Supreme Leader.

A US National Intelligence Estimate two years ago concluded that Iran had ended its nuclear arms research programme in 2003 because of the threat from the American invasion of Iraq. But intelligence sources have told The Times that Tehran had halted the research because it had achieved its aim — to find a way of detonating a warhead that could be launched on its long-range Shehab-3 missiles.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Times of London: Iran ready to rock and roll, waiting for Khameni signal

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