Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Targeted killings by me but not by thee

Targeted killings by me but not by thee

The United States recently announced that it will be using 'targeted killings' against drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban in Afghanistan (Hat Tip: Free Republic).

Fifty Afghans believed to be drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban have been placed on a Pentagon target list to be captured or killed, reflecting a major shift in American counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan, according to a Congressional study to be released this week.

United States military commanders have told Congress that they are convinced that the policy is legal under the military’s rules of engagement and international law.


In interviews with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is releasing the report, two American generals serving in Afghanistan said that major traffickers with proven links to the insurgency have been put on the “joint integrated prioritized target list.” That means they have been given the same target status as insurgent leaders, and can be captured or killed at any time.

Read all at :

Israel Matzav: Targeted killings by me but not by thee

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