Thursday 6 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Syria seeks to appropriate Israel's water resources

Syria seeks to appropriate Israel's water resources

Here in Israel and in other countries around the region, this past winter was our fifth straight with less than average rainfall. It doesn't rain here in the summer, so we have to deal with a water shortage at least until the winter rains come in March. Israel is dealing with it by imposing a NIS 20 (a little more than $5) surcharge on each cubic meter of water used by households beyond their (very minimal) quota. Our lawn is completely dry (in the park next door the lawn looks beautiful and the city waters it in mid-afternoon - the least efficient way possible, but that's a separate issue). We turn off our shower water while soaping up (something we have done for years), have buckets beneath our sinks and showers to collect water to fill the toilet tanks and water the trees and bushes in the yard, and generally try to minimize flushing the toilet. We leave the bath full after the kids take baths and use the water to water the garden. We have done this since December. Our last water bill showed half the water usage of a year ago, and we barely made it within our quota. That ought to give you some perspective
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Israel Matzav: Syria seeks to appropriate Israel's water resources

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