Tuesday 25 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Sweden's long history of terror support

Sweden's long history of terror support

If anyone out there really believes that Israel's empty threats to boycott IKEA and Volvo are going to bring the Swedes around to stop supporting terror, David Frankfurter has news for you: The Swedes can take the heat.

In March of 2004, I highlighted reports from Swedish newspapers that showed that Sweden had, from 1997 to 2004, deliberately and consistently classified as secret their own reports that their donations to Arafat’s Palestinian Authority were being diverted to corruption and the creation of a police state. Why? So that they could continue to knowingly channel billions of crowns to Palestinian corruption and violence. Also hidden from view of the Parliament was tens of millions in donations to the Palestinian Negotiations Support Unit. An organization which had stopped negotiating and had become a pure Palestinian propaganda agency. Swedish politicians were “shocked” – but the money kept flowing.

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Israel Matzav: Sweden's long history of terror support

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