Thursday 6 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Surprise: Mary Robinson wasn't vetted

Surprise: Mary Robinson wasn't vetted

In The Corner, Tevi Troy reports that Mary Robinson, whose selection as a Medal of Freedom recipient has caused quite a controversy, was not properly vetted.

I have been asking whether the White House knew that Mary Robinson was a controversial pick for the Medal of Freedom or if they were caught unawares by the controversy. A source has now indicated that she was not fully vetted, but that the White House feels that backing down at this point would make things worse.

Who recommended her? Chas Freeman?

And why would backing down 'make things worse'? It might show sensitivity to the Jewish community that has been sorely lacking in this administration (Freeman was done in by an email he wrote about Tianneman Square and not - as he claimed - by the mysterious Israel lobby). Of course, Obama's friends Rashid Khalidi and Jeremiah "Them Jews" Wright would not be pleased. But Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY) would be pleased.
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Israel Matzav: Surprise: Mary Robinson wasn't vetted

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