Sunday 16 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Spain's demolition derby

Spain's demolition derby

This past week, I reported that the Spanish government is paying for 42 'activists' to come to Israel and rebuild two 'Palestinian' homes that were demolished for being built without a permit. That act is richer in hypocrisy than even I expected says Soeren Kern at PJ Media.

The Zapatero government recently unveiled a €5 billion plan to demolish thousands of illegally built coastal homes and hotels. The Spanish Environment Ministry says it wants to protect Mediterranean and Canary Island shorelines. By some estimates, there could be as many as 100,000 houses in Spain that have been built illegally. Homes built illegally after the 1980s, when laws to protect the coast came into force, face demolition with no compensation.

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Israel Matzav: Spain's demolition derby

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