Monday 10 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Spain pays for 42 'activists' to violate Israeli building codes

Spain pays for 42 'activists' to violate Israeli building codes

The government of Spain, which just last month was discovered to be financing Breaking the Silence, which presented unsourced hearsay accounts of Operation Cast Lead to the world media, is now financing a two-week trip for 42 'activists' to rebuild two homes in Jerusalem that were demolished because they were built without a permit.

Jeff Halper, the director of the Israel Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), which is holding its seventh annual summer "rebuilding camp," said volunteers from all over Europe, Latin America, Spain, the United States, South Africa, Asia, and Australia are currently in the country to rebuild two homes demolished in Anata.

"In particular, there are about 42 people from Spain in the camp, and the Spanish government is funding the camp again this year. They have paid for the 42 tickets of young people to come to the work camp, so that is pretty interesting that governments are starting to encourage people to come and resist the occupation," Halper told The Jerusalem Post.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry's agency for international development cooperation, Aecid, allocated some €80,000 in 2009 to ICAHD. In addition, it allocated €80,000 this year for Breaking the Silence, €100,000 for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and has promised to allocate €70,000 for Rabbis for Human Rights.

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Israel Matzav: Spain pays for 42 'activists' to violate Israeli building codes

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