Tuesday 11 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Shocka: 'Crippling sanctions' won't have much effect on Iran

Shocka: 'Crippling sanctions' won't have much effect on Iran

You probably could have guessed this: Those 'crippling sanctions' that Secretary of State Clinton has been waving at Iran are unlikely to have any effect on it. And you can probably guess at least some of the reasons why:

Effective sanctions, say Administration officials, require participation by Iran's key trading partners. That's a problem, since neither Russia nor China is convinced that there's an imminent danger of Iran producing nuclear weapons. Coalition of the willing–style sanctions of the sort envisaged by the congressional legislation may have limited impact because they're unlikely to be implemented by neighbors such as Turkey and Iraq. And the use of naval power to enforce a blockade could easily provoke a war that the U.S. military is eager to avoid.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Shocka: 'Crippling sanctions' won't have much effect on Iran

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