Saturday 1 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Replace George Mitchell with ... George W. Bush

Replace George Mitchell with ... George W. Bush

This is an interesting idea that will never happen. Shmuel Rosner suggests making former President George W. Bush President Obama's special envoy to the Middle East.

I don't think this idea is a viable one - because the parties involved wouldn't be interested. Nonetheless, it's intriguing enough idea for me to mention it. It is from Gregory Levey's article in Newsweek:

[T]here is someone who does - someone who could use a job, someone who argued straightforwardly for a Palestinian state, and yet someone who has the implicit admiration and regard of Israel. President Obama needs a new envoy to the region who can get results - and George W. Bush is his man.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Replace George Mitchell with ... George W. Bush

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