Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

Just what we needed. The chief birther is becoming popular in Israel (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).

Since her explosive MSNBC appearance, the "birther" movement has largely faded, supplanted by the health care debate and a new, more-vocal stream of detractors swarming the town hall meetings on health care, leaving Taitz and her movement as yesterday's news; outside of Israel that is.

Over the last two weeks, Taitz has been featured in a segment on Channel 10 television's popular nightly news show "London and Kirschenbaum," filmed a segment for the far-right Arutz 7 Web site and recorded a show for their radio channel, was featured in a three-page article in mass circulation daily Ma'ariv, and was the subject of a feature on Channel 1 TV.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: 'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

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