Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Peace Now's wishful thinking

Peace Now's wishful thinking

On Monday night, I blogged an article by Barry Rubin that indicated that Muhammed Ghaneim had been chosen by the Fatah conference to be Abu Mazen's successor as 'President' of the 'Palestinian Authority.' Ghaneim rejected the 'Oslo Accords' in 1993, refused to return to Gaza or Judea and Samaria in 1994, and was likely rejectionist Farouk Kaddumi's choice for the position. Barry concluded that Ghaneim probably signals a harder line position from the 'Palestinian Authority' and Fatah in the future.

Peace Now wasn't able to accept that analysis. After all, there's a fierce moral urgency to have peace, we just have to have peace, and if the other side doesn't want to make peace, we'll just ignore that little obstacle. So tonight, Peace Now's Ori Nir does a little wishful thinking about Muhammed Ghaneim's political views.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Peace Now's wishful thinking

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