Saturday 8 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' who were evicted hadn't paid rent

'Palestinians' who were evicted hadn't paid rent

The longer this story goes on the more it sounds like an ordinary eviction. The Guardian (yes, I noticed it's the comment is free section) reports that the two Arab families that were evicted from their homes in Jerusalem's Shimon HaTzadik (Sheikh Jarrah) section last Sunday had not paid their rent.

However, things are not always what they seem and the eviction of the Hanoun and Ghawi families are an apt example of how an appetite for a certain type of story can create that story regardless of the facts. As an organisation that follows media coverage of the Middle East closely, we gathered from Sunday and Monday's reporting, such as on the BBC, in the Guardian and in the Times that the two Palestinian families were evicted because Israeli courts had found that the land belonged to Jews, not to the Palestinians living there. Cut to religiously clad Jews busting in to the newly vacated houses and the whole thing is just obvious: Israel mercilessly turfs Arabs on to the street to plant more settlers in east Jerusalem.

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Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' who were evicted hadn't paid rent

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