Saturday 8 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' construct snipers' nest over Gilo

'Palestinians' construct snipers' nest over Gilo

Many of you may recall how the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo came under sniper fire from the Bethlehem suburbs of Beit Jallah and Beit Sahour during the early days of the Oslo Terror War in late 2000. Now, through illegal construction, the 'Palestinians' are attempting to get a clearer shot at Gilo. Will Israel enforce the law and demolish the building under construction? Will the Obama administration protest Israel's 'cruel destruction of 'Palestinian' homes' yet again?

A massive, illegally built structure [see picture. CiJ] being put up by Palestinian Authority Arabs has frightened residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood Har Gilo in recent weeks. The building has been built on Israeli land belonging to the city, and looms over local houses.

The building's height and location have created fears that it could be used for sniping or other attacks. Residents of Gilo suffered near-constant sniper attacks during the outbreak of the Oslo War, also known as the Second Intifada.

Following appeals from Israeli officials in the Gush Etzion region, the Civil Administration issued an order halting work on the structure until a hearing regarding the legal status of the building. However, work at the site has continued despite the order.

Residents of Har Gilo say Civil Administration officials told them that the order could not be enforced due to the Fatah conference currently taking place in the nearby city of Bethlehem.

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Israel Matzav: 'Palestinians' construct snipers' nest over Gilo

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