Thursday 6 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' terrorists smuggling their sperm out of prison

'Palestinian' terrorists smuggling their sperm out of prison

YNet reports that 'Palestinian' terrorists imprisoned in the Nafha and Shikma prisons have smuggled sperm out of the prisons - apparently through visiting relatives - at least six times. The sperm is used to impregnate their wives and raise the 'Palestinian' birthrate. While 'Palestinian' terrorists have many privileges (and Israeli MK's have called for reducing those privileges in light of Gilad Shalit having been held incommunicado for the last three years), conjugal visits are not among them.

The Hasam organization, which cares for Palestinians prisoners, says the prisoners in question come from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. According to Mufak Hamid, head of the organization's PR division, the sperm was smuggled in the presence of witnesses who are relatives of the couples.

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Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' terrorists smuggling their sperm out of prison

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