Sunday 9 August 2009

Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinian' condition improves

The 'Palestinian' condition improves

Thomas Friedman is surprised to find the 'Palestinian' economy improving.

For Palestinians, long trapped between burgeoning Israeli settlements and an Israeli occupation army, subject to lawlessness in their own cities and the fecklessness of their own political leadership, life has clearly started to improve a bit, thanks to a new virtuous cycle: improved Palestinian policing that has led to more Palestinian investment and trade that has led to the Israeli Army dismantling more checkpoints in the West Bank that has led to more Palestinian travel and commerce.

Could it be that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's plan to build a 'Palestinian' entity from the ground up is working? If it is, Friedman is not going to be the one to tell you that:
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Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinian' condition improves

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