Thursday 6 August 2009

Israel Matzav: The only Arab 'country' with economic growth is ... the 'Palestinian Authority'

The only Arab 'country' with economic growth is ... the 'Palestinian Authority'

The New York Times' Tom Friedman has a dismal column in which he summarizes a report that was recently released about human development in the Arab world. The report updates the one released in 2002, which highlighted things like Greece translating five times as many books into Greek as the entire Arab world translated into Arabic, and the GDP of Spain being more than that of all the Arab countries combined. Friedman says the new report presents an even bleaker picture than the one presented in 2002, with highlights including high unemployment (more than double the world average), lack of personal security and a burgeoning population (60% under the age of 25) with no prospect of supporting itself.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: The only Arab 'country' with economic growth is ... the 'Palestinian Authority'

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