Friday 7 August 2009

Israel Matzav: No more 'peace talks'?

No more 'peace talks'?

Israel and the 'Palestinians' have apparently taken vows not to speak to each other. Here's the 'Palestinian' vow:

The Fatah General Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted a resolution according to which the negotiations with Jerusalem will not renewed until Israel releases all the Palestinian prisoners held in its jails, Israel Radio reported.

However, citing a Palestinian report, the radio station also included a more moderate wording of the decision, according to which an agreement on a time-frame for the release of all Palestinian prisoners is a condition for the renewal of peace talks.

Senior Fatah official Nabil Sha'ath said that the committee in charge of determining the movement's policy approved 14 conditions for the renewal of negotiations with Israel, including lifting the blockade on the Gaza Strip and halting settlement construction.

In an interview with a Web site linked with the Islamic Jihad, Sha'ath added that Fatah had not denounced the armed resistance, though it had not yet lost faith in the negotiations.

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Israel Matzav: No more 'peace talks'?

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