Friday 14 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Sarkozy: 'Non'

Netanyahu to Sarkozy: 'Non'

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has turned down a request from French President Nicolas Sarkozy to grant early release to a 'Palestinian' terrorist who attempted to assassinate former Chief Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef (pictured). The terrorist, Salah Hassan Hamori, has French citizenship.

In a letter to the Sarkozy sent earlier this week, Netanyahu said that Hamori did not meet the criteria for early parole. The prime minister wrote that Hamori did not express any regrets for his deeds and that according to the opinion of the state's attorney-general he still represents a threat to the public.

Sarkozy sent the letter to Netanyahu last week, following massive Palestinian pressure on to work toward Hamori's release from jail.

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Sarkozy: 'Non'

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