Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

YNet reports that Prime Minister Netanyahu has made a normalization gesture to the Obama administration, agreeing to freeze new building in the 'settlements' until the beginning of 2010. That would be four and a half months from now - much less than Obama wanted but more than Netanyahu had previously been willing to give.

Despite pressure from right-wing ministers, the housing minister has yet to issue one building tender in the settlements, including in the large settlement blocs, since Netanyahu has taken office. This has been confirmed by Prime Minister Netanyahu's office. The ministry also did not issue new tenders in the final days of Olmert's administration. The right-wing and the haredi sector have expressed their disappointment over this quiet policy.

Right-wing ministers claim that this policy has been forced upon Israel and undermines the country's sovereignty in areas over which there should not be any dispute.

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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

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