Sunday 16 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Nasrallah threatens to hit Tel Aviv

Nasrallah threatens to hit Tel Aviv

At a Friday rally in Beirut celebrating Hezbullah's 'victory' in the 2006 Second Lebanon War, Hezbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah threatened to hit Tel Aviv with rockets if Israel hits Beirut.

"Our position is that a unity government in which Hezbollah will be an effective player is urgently required. Hezbollah is able to hit every city in Israel, and I repeat: If they hit Beirut, we will attack Tel Aviv," he said. "We have two options. One is to succumb to Israel and let it call the shots in the region. The other is to be strong so that the Israelis would think a thousand times, even a million times, before they launch a war against Lebanon and Hezbollah. The option is ours."

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Israel Matzav: Nasrallah threatens to hit Tel Aviv

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