Tuesday 11 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Mary Robinson: Obama's choice

Mary Robinson: Obama's choice

In this post, I discussed whether Medal of Freedom recipient Mary Robinson was not properly vetted by the White House, or whether choosing her was a deliberate act by the Obama administration. Jennifer Rubin supplies a strong argument that President Obama deliberately chose Mary Robinson.

Neither Durban nor Robinson’s UN tenure is incidental to her career. Moreover, her rhetoric and outlook bear an uncanny resemblance to the approach taken by the Obama administration. Obama is full of invective and regret for America’s actions—be they in the war on terror or in our historic record of dealing with Iran and Central America. As for human-rights outrages in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, or China, he has been largely, if not entirely, mute. No wonder Robinson was selected.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Mary Robinson: Obama's choice

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