Sunday 16 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Malley: 'I still favor a two-state solution'

Malley: 'I still favor a two-state solution'

In Tuesday's New York Times, Robert Malley (the only man to attend Camp David 2000 and blame Ehud Barak for its failure) and Hussein Agha wrote that a two-state solution 'doesn't resolve anything,' leading many to believe that they were advocating a one-state solution.

That so many attempts to resolve the conflict have failed is reason to be wary. It is almost as if the parties, whenever they inch toward an artful compromise over the realities of the present, are inexorably drawn back to the ghosts of the past. It is hard today to imagine a resolution that does not entail two states. But two states may not be a true resolution if the roots of this clash are ignored. The ultimate territorial outcome almost certainly will be found within the borders of 1967. To be sustainable, it will need to grapple with matters left over since 1948. The first step will be to recognize that in the hearts and minds of Israelis and Palestinians, the fundamental question is not about the details of an apparently practical solution. It is an existential struggle between two worldviews.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Malley: 'I still favor a two-state solution'

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