Tuesday 11 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Lebanon, Hezbullah and Iranian nuclear weapons

Lebanon, Hezbullah and Iranian nuclear weapons

Michael Totten travels to Lebanon again and interviews Salim al-Sayegh, the Kataeb (Phalangist) party Vice President. At one time, the Phalangists were Israel's allies in Lebanon, but today it sounds like they're just trying to survive (Hat Tip: Instapundit). Al-Sayegh makes three points regarding Israel.

First, he claims that if only, Syria would renounce its claims to Sheba Farms (Mount Dov), Israel would hand it over to the United Nations, which would in turn hand it over to Lebanon. Al-Sayegh argues that would undermine the reason for Hezbullah's existence as a 'resistance movement.' Totten tries to nudge al-Sayegh in the direction of admitting that when Israel withdrew from Lebanon to the 'blue line' in 2000, Israel, Lebanon and the United Nations all agreed that Israel had complied with UN Security Council Resolution 425 and that there was nothing more that needed to be done.

MJT: If I remember correctly, when the Israelis left South Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah agreed that Israel had completely withdrawn to its side of the Blue Line. Only after the United Nations certified the Israeli withdrawal did Hezbollah claim Shebaa Farms was Lebanese territory under Israeli occupation. If this were true, why wouldn't Hezbollah say so in 2000 when they were negotiating with Israel over the troop withdrawal?

Salim al-Sayegh: The Israelis took Shebaa Farms from the Syrians, not from the Lebanese. The Israelis are saying they can give it to Syria. And the Syrians are saying Shebaa Farms is Lebanese. The United Nations says, according to our cards, Shebaa Farms is Syrian, not Lebanese.

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Israel Matzav: Lebanon, Hezbullah and Iranian nuclear weapons

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