Sunday 23 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Joe Stork's crime against humanity

Joe Stork's crime against humanity

You may recall that last Sunday I posted a translation of an article by Ben Dror Yemini from Friday's Ma'ariv that ripped the mask off Human Rights Watch's Joe Stork, who wrote the NGO's report on Operation Cast Lead that accused Israel of shooting eleven white-flag-bearing 'Palestinians' in seven separate incidents. Stork responded to Yemini's charges in a letter that was linked by Noah Pollak on Contentions on Saturday. In his Ma'ariv column on Friday, Ben Dror Yemini fisked Stork's letter. Here are some highlights (Hat Tip: Dave H). Stork's accusations are in italics and Yemini's response in normal font.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: Joe Stork's crime against humanity

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