Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

Politico reports that Israelis are taking out their anger with the Obama administration's policies in our region on White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. The story is headlined 'Israelis sour on Rahm Emanuel.'

When Emanuel was tapped to be Obama’s chief of staff, a headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz kvelled “Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff,” while the Jewish news service JTA went with “Rahm Emanuel: attack dog, policy wonk, committed Jew.” [Haaretz is Israel's Hebrew 'Palestinian' daily, while JTA is an American news service that represents a certain stream of American Jews - and not Israelis. CiJ]
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Israel Matzav: Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

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