Wednesday 19 August 2009

Israel Matzav: IDF worried: Soldiers may refuse orders to expel Jews from their homes

IDF worried: Soldiers may refuse orders to expel Jews from their homes

During the Gaza expulsion four years ago, the IDF was successful in minimizing the number of soldiers who refused to obey orders. Although the IDF did not say so, for the most part, if soldiers felt that they could not take part in expelling Gaza's Jews, they told their commanding officers and they were reassigned. Some soldiers were reassigned out of combat units as a result. There was only one highly publicized incident of a soldier refusing to obey orders (pictured). Many soldiers were too shell-shocked to think on their feet, and given what was deemed broad support for the expulsion, most rabbinic and lay leaders erred on the side of obeying orders.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: IDF worried: Soldiers may refuse orders to expel Jews from their homes

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