Thursday 13 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Human Rights Watch plays prosecutor, judge and jury

Human Rights Watch plays prosecutor, judge and jury

Human Rights Watch, which recently raised money in Saudi Arabia by bragging about how it 'does battle' with 'pro-Israel pressure groups' claims in a report released on Thursday that Israel shot eleven unarmed 'Palestinians' waving white flags in seven different incidents during Operation Cast Lead. For good measure, most of the eleven are claimed to be women and children.

HRW said it conducted extensive investigations into each of these incidents by visiting the attack sites, examining ballistic evidence, collecting medical records, and interviewing multiple witnesses, at least three people separately for each attack. In one case, forensic pathologists examined a survivor.

While that may (and is designed to) sound impressive, I have to wonder how a forensic pathologist would examine a survivor:

Forensic pathologists determine the cause of death by examination of a cadaver. The autopsy is performed by the pathologist at the request of a coroner usually during the investigation of criminal law cases and civil law cases in some jurisdictions. Forensic pathologists are also frequently asked to confirm the identity of a cadaver.

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Israel Matzav: Human Rights Watch plays prosecutor, judge and jury

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