Saturday 8 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Fatah: 'Return all of Jerusalem or no talks'

Fatah: 'Return all of Jerusalem or no talks'

A resolution adopted at the conference of the 'moderate' Fatah terror organization calls for the 'return of all Jerusalem' (both 'east' and 'west') before any further talks are held with Israel.

According to the report, a document adopted by the Fatah delegates of the assembly declared that Palestinians would "continue to be sacrificed until residents of Jerusalem are free of settlements and settlers." The document went on to state that all of Jerusalem, including the surrounding villages, belonged to the Palestinians, and lands conquered following the Six Day War shared the same status as those located within the Green Line.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Fatah: 'Return all of Jerusalem or no talks'

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