Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

The European Union and Germany may impose stronger sanctions against Iran - including cutting off Iran's supply of refined oil products - unless the Iranians show a willingness to compromise over their nuclear facilities. And while the Europeans are willing to try to take it to the UN Security Council, it doesn't sound like a Russian or Chinese veto threat will stop them.

SPIEGEL has learned that Germany and the EU are considering stopping all exports of gasoline to Iran, which according to analysts' estimates depends on imports to cover 30 percent of its gasoline supplies, even though it exports crude oil.

Diplomats are also considering imposing further restrictions on shipping and air traffic to and from Iran, for example by banning Iranian ships or aircraft from docking or landing in the EU.

Major insurance companies that insure many freight shipments to and from Iran, such as Lloyd's, may be foreced to cease such deals.

The German government will initially try to get these additional sanctions passed by the UN Security Council, where veto powers China and Russia have been hesitant on measures against Iran. But senior German diplomats have said the EU and the US would be prepared to impose "very strict sanctions" on their own.

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Israel Matzav: EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

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